Kindness for Kids
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Kindness for Kids was founded as a private family project in 2003.
Staff salaries and rental fees are independently funded to keep administrative costs low.

Rare diseases are often called „medical orphans“ or Orphan Diseases. An Orphan Disease is one in which fewer than five out of 10,000 people are affected, but in which those afflicted often suffer from severe health disorders requiring complex medical treatments. The majority of people suffering from these rare diseases are children who often are not expected to live beyond childhood.

Due to the low number of patients various obstacles hinder the fight to treat or eradicate these Orphan Diseases:

  • Despite the relaxation of admission requirements, the development and production costs of treatments for these diseases remain high making them economically unfeasible for the pharmaceutical industry to pursue.
  • The road to a correct diagnosis can be long and arduous. Even after a correct diagnosis is made, the lack of treatments means people affected will continue to suffer.
  • Information flow between doctors, hospitals and medical researchers is woefully inadequate.

But there is hope and efforts are underway to change this situation. One such effort that we are highly supportive of is the European Commission’s suggested formation of an „Agency for Orphan Diseases“. This agency will be tasked with bundling into a central repository the knowledge and research results regarding these orphan diseases that is now spread all over the continent. With access to this information, doctors and researchers will be able to streamline processes and speed treatments of these diseases. We applaud this effort and are convinced that this could significantly ease the situation for patients and their relatives.

Our primary goal is to mitigate the suffering of these sick children and their relatives by supporting Orphan Disease research. But we do more than just aid research. We also organize summer camps for affected children; sponsor conventions, symposia and advanced trainings; provide children‘s hospitals with non-cash benefits as well as manpower; and we connect patients and their relatives with hospitals and doctors that specialize in their diseases.
